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Quitting smoking is a life-changing decision, so do it the right way.




High quality herbs with remarkable effect to help ex-smokers overcome acute nicotine temptations, regardless of how sharp or strong they are, and has a noticeable effect immediately from the first treatment.


Countering Cravings" has amazing effect against acute cravings, including blocking nicotine receptors and removing the desire for nicotine and smoking.

  • Blocks nicotine receptors

  • Removes the desire for smoking

  • Creates an unpleasant effect against the smell and taste of tobacco

  • Gives ex-smokers more control over smoking habits.

 The Medications Will Help You With:

When and how: It should be used during strong cravings, regardless of how long one has quit smoking.

This medication "Countering Cravings" is already included in the "Anti-Craving Package", "Quit Smoking Home Package" and "Quit Smoking Course" along with other aids.

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I have smoked for 40. in the last years up to 70 a day. now I've been smoke-free for over a year, says Bjørn Arnesen (62}. One of many who have been cured through Doctor Kimo's

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The European

An independent US survey suggests that the Dr. Kimo Quit Smoking Method, developed by Norwegian doctor Kimo Karkash, has more than a 90 percent success rate.

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There are no easy miracle cures for smoking. But there is a cure that is so effective that over 84% quit smoking and really remain smoke-free. 

Client experience with
Dr. Kimo Smoking seccation

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