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Quitting smoking is a life-changing decision, so do it the right way.


Detox Tea
Supplements for Sleeping


Collection of high quality herbel tea, helpful against stress after quit smoking cigarette, improve sleeping and cleaning the body quickly from nicotine or toxic stuff.



  • - Cleaning the body quickly from nicotine and toxic stuff.

  • - Relaxing and reducing stress.

  • - Improving deep sleeping condition.

When to use:

  • - To be use direct after quit smoking, and before sleeping, for those who have sleeping problem. Or whenever one feel stressed out after quitting.

The Medications Will Help You With:


- Package is enough to make minimum 15 cups.

For stronger effect:
We advice to use it in combination with “Anti relapse herbs"  - “Theta Frequents” Anti Stress CD“, this combination will give you the best effect in refreshing and improving concentration instantly.

Price: One package cost Nkr 79.

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I have smoked for 40. in the last years up to 70 a day. now I've been smoke-free for over a year, says Bjørn Arnesen (62}. One of many who have been cured through Doctor Kimo's

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The European

An independent US survey suggests that the Dr. Kimo Quit Smoking Method, developed by Norwegian doctor Kimo Karkash, has more than a 90 percent success rate.

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There are no easy miracle cures for smoking. But there is a cure that is so effective that over 84% quit smoking and really remain smoke-free. 

Client experience with
Dr. Kimo Smoking seccation

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