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Fresh pen- "Consentration aid"
  • Quit smoking "Fresh Boost" concentration booster: It is an effective natural remedy to improve concentration after quitting smoking, during stressful situations, it relieves coughing, opens the airway, and reduces the urge to smoke in case of an acute need.

    Fresh pen- "Consentration aid"

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      I have smoked for 40. in the last years up to 70 a day. now I've been smoke-free for over a year, says Bjørn Arnesen (62}. One of many who have been cured through Doctor Kimo's

      bio side | Røykeslutt hjelp

      The European

      An independent US survey suggests that the Dr. Kimo Quit Smoking Method, developed by Norwegian doctor Kimo Karkash, has more than a 90 percent success rate.

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      There are no easy miracle cures for smoking. But there is a cure that is so effective that over 84% quit smoking and really remain smoke-free. 

      Client experience with
      Dr. Kimo Smoking seccation

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