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Spray against the urge to smoke

Spray against smoking cravings, is one of the main medicines, and is a very important product with an effective effect against nicotine cravings. It is of great help by removing nicotine quickly from the body, and especially in the first 3 weeks after quitting smoking.

Spray against the urge to smoke

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    I have smoked for 40. in the last years up to 70 a day. now I've been smoke-free for over a year, says Bjørn Arnesen (62}. One of many who have been cured through Doctor Kimo's

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    The European

    An independent US survey suggests that the Dr. Kimo Quit Smoking Method, developed by Norwegian doctor Kimo Karkash, has more than a 90 percent success rate.

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    There are no easy miracle cures for smoking. But there is a cure that is so effective that over 84% quit smoking and really remain smoke-free. 

    Client experience with
    Dr. Kimo Smoking seccation

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