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Quit smoking
with Natural Aid
And feel the difference!

Anti craving Kit

Dr. Kimo's
"Anti-Nicotine Craving kit"

To those who quit or want to quit, but want extra help.

Take control of your quit journey with our Anti-Craving kit. Say goodbye to nicotine urge, unpleasant symptoms, and confusion, and gain the confidence to overcome any challenges that come your way.

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Quit Smoking
"Do it your selv" Kit

Complete Smoking Cessation Program


Say goodbye to smoking for good with our comprehensive 8-week quit-smoking program. This kit will support you every step of the way, making your journey to a smoke-free life easier and more successful.

" The distance between expectations and results is shorter with Dr. Kimo's Natural Aid "

My name is Kimo, I specialize in helping smokers overcome nicotine addiction, fight temptations, and become fully nicotine free. ​Whether you are a smoker, or you have quit already but find it hard to fight temptations or to be as efficient as you’d like! You’re not alone.


As a medical consultant, my passion is to provide my clients with guidance, aid, and medicine to help them achieve transformative results


When abstinence symptoms harden, obstacles mount, and outcomes feel uncertain, we empower our clients with necessary aid and new opportunities to overcome these withdrawal symptoms and succeed in achieving their ultimate results.

Client's experience with

Dr. Kimo Quit-Smoking kits

Heavy smokers become completely


Six out of seven heavy smokers in the administration of the Norwegian Transport Association successfully quit smoking through a course organized by Dr. Kimo Klinikken. Despite some having smoked as many as 60 cigarettes a day, they have not only quit but nine months after quitting, none of them have shown any sign of relapse. Despite some having smoked as many as 60 cigarettes a day. Dagbladet 

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